Brinytoons redefined – Gearing up to further improve our performance

Brinytoons started working with limited resources and staff, but the sheer determination of the team and efforts won many hearts and gave us a surprising boom. To continue at this pace and acquire rapid growth of channel, few reforms are brought to improve quality and quantity of our services. The number of videos uploaded per month has been increased to 15 plus. YouTube shorts and the daily post are other such ways to increase connection with the viewers. Formation of youth advisory board is a major structural change which will prove beneficial in the long run. Brinytoons is set to conduct online colouring competition where participation would be free of cost. All this is done to elevate the level of performance that can impress and satisfy our subscribers.We will be bringing more of these changes time to time and your feedback will be appreciated in this regard.


Let’s bring a change that connects us well